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Introduction to Real Estate Photography: How to Get Started

Are you interested in taking your real estate photography skills to the next level? Real estate photography has become an increasingly important part of successful property marketing. In this blog post, Shutter Shock Media is sharing some basics of real estate photography and how to get started on your journey towards becoming an expert in real estate media.

Learn About Equipment

The first step in starting out with real estate photography is to learn about the equipment that’s essential for success. A good camera is the basis for any photographer, but there are several other components needed for capturing beautiful scenes, including lenses, flashes, tripods, batteries and memory cards. Having access to quality and appropriate equipment will ensure that you get the best results throughout each shoot.

Utilize Natural Light

Successful real estate photographers have mastered the art of utilizing natural light to their advantage. Natural light ensures that photos are crisp and vibrant while helping reduce motion blur. It also allows you to avoid using flash which can be distracting and create harsh shadows on certain surfaces or objects depending on the direction they’re facing. When framing shots outdoors or indoors with plenty of windows – take into account where natural light is coming from so that it has maximum effect when striking the home’s interior spaces or outdoor landscaping scenes!

Understand Angles & Framing

Framing shots properly is essential when capturing attractive real estate photographs. Finding unique perspectives helps bring out interesting details about a property that could easily go unnoticed. Experienced photographers understand how important it is when choosing panoramic views over wide-angle views and how significantly different both can present the same space or room in terms of perspective. Practice will go a long way, as will making yourself familiar with the general appearance of real estate photos. Studying how these types of photos look, the lighting, and the angles being used will help create a foundation of what you should be aiming to produce in your photos.


Once all images have been captured properly, post-processing is the next step. This process can be time consuming depending on project requirements by clients, and is just as important as capturing the images correctly. This involves using special software such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom amongst others which most professionals use today. Learning to utilize these platforms efficiently and correctly is essential if embarking down this career route seriously.

Start Your Journey Now

Real estate photography offers countless opportunities for creativity and growth as a photographer, no matter what level you’re at. Do your research! Start planning today by researching current trends in real estate media. Begin exploring what equipment is necessary to create photos that will not only catch the eye of potential property buyers, but also what appeals to real estate agents when it comes to showcasing a property. Most importantly, practice, practice, practice!

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